The Abundant Water social business model revolves around providing cheap yet highly effective water filters through an established filter vendor network in the poorest rural and remote parts of the Asia-Pacific region.


why is Abundant Water is a social business?



We are driven by a social mission to help provide practical solutions for the common good and not by profits


We are aiming to be financially self-sustainable and not dependent on donations or grants


We are reinvesting our profits into our business to increase social impact.


How does the social business model work?

Community meeting at Soom Khan Village (1).JPG

1. Identify areas

Abundant Water staff begin by scoping out villages where there is a need for water filters and an appetite for change.

We work with local partner organisations in country to approach villages and select any villagers that have a natural entrepreneurial spirit.


2. Train Vendors

With our partners, we then train these men and women to become water filter ‘vendors’ or sales people.

We train them in business skills and management so they can run their own water filter micro-businesses, selling filters to their local communities who are in need of safe water.

Sunny training session Nepal 2016.JPG

3. Vendors sell in their community

These vendors buy Abundant Water filters at cost price and go out to sell them in their villages using their local connections and knowledge.

For every sale they make, the vendor takes home a commission, earning themselves an income to support their children in school, buy food, make home improvements, and of course invest in buying more filters to keep their business growing.


4. Vendors develop continuous work

These vendors become a point of contact in their community for filter maintenance, repair and replacements, ensuring that our water filter solution is sustainable long-term, providing lasting benefits to families and communities.

Bonby (ACTD) and Household Ponxai Village 2016.JPG

Are you as excited as we are about sustainable solutions?

Any donation of any size will make a huge impact on the lives of Abundant Water Vendors. 

Children in Laos.JPG